Specialized clinics available are The Center for Sports Medicine, The Shoulder Center at Baldwin Bone & Joint, and the Canale Spine Institute.
Hundreds of people in Mobile and Baldwin counties set a record while donating gently used shoes to Baldwin Bone & Joint's 15th annual Many More ...
April 16, 2018
Daphne, AL (April 16, 2018) - Hundreds of people – primarily students and teachers – in Baldwin and Mobile Counties recently donated gently used shoes to Baldwin Bone & Joint’s 15th Annual Many More Miles Campaign, resulting in 2,383 pairs of shoes finding new life.
Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C., the Port City Pacers, McCoy Outdoor Co., Dr. Glenn Glass, and the University of South Alabama Student Recreation Center partnered to collect shoes for the homeless outreach programs of Wings of Life, Discovery Ministries, and the Salvation Army Running Forward program. The campaign, now in its 15th year, got off to a running start in January and concluded at the Azalea Trail Run held on March 24th.
Mobile and Baldwin County students were challenged to collect shoes for homeless families in the area while earning money for their schools’ P.E. programs. Baldwin Bone & Joint awards cash prizes to the top three participating schools who donate the most shoes. Fairhope Intermediate won first place, collecting 600 pairs of shoes and received a $300 cash prize. Rockwell Elementary took second place ($200), and Mary B. Austin Elementary received third prize ($100).
Over the years, the 2,120 pairs of shoes (out of the total of 2,383 pairs) donated by local schools have provided the largest collective donation to this important campaign. The response from schools this year has shown significant growth. Other schools participating in this year’s campaign include: Spanish Fort Elementary (BC), Foley Intermediate School (BC), Stapleton Elementary (BC), W.J. Carroll (BC), Dixon Elementary (MC), and Leinkauf Elementary (MC).
Used running shoes may be donated year-round at McCoy Outdoor Co. on Springhill Avenue in Mobile.
Baldwin Bone & Joint recently awarded Fairhope Intermediate $300 for their school’s PE program for collecting the most shoes in the 2018 Many More Miles Campaign. Student representatives from each class spearheaded the campaign and collected 600 pairs of shoes to benefit the homeless ministries of Wings of Life, Discovery Ministries, and the Salvation Army Running Forward program. Pictured with the student representatives are Greg Shoemaker, Practice Administrator for Baldwin Bone & Joint, Coach Ryan Hymel, and teacher, Emily Steigerwald.
March 1, 2018
Daphne, AL (March 1, 2018) - Local runners and exercise enthusiasts may have put a lot of miles on old running shoes, but when they are donated to the "Many More Miles" campaign, those shoes will come to life again as they land on the feet of someone who really needs them. For the 15th ...Record response from Mobile/Baldwin County schools as they commit to collect shoes for local homeless families while earning cash for their schools’ P.E. programs
2 days ago - The University of South Alabama is partnering in the Baldwin Bone and Joint P.C.'s “Many More Miles” campaign, a charitable drive to provide shoes to the homeless. This is the campaign's 15th year and USA's fifth year supporting the campaign. MMM is a campaign to collect used running shoes that will...
Baldwin Bone & Joint’s annual collection of shoes for the homeless outreach program continues through Saturday, March 24. For drop-off locations, call 251-621-5387.
November 30, 2017
Daphne, AL (November 30, 2017) - Local runners and exercise enthusiasts may have put a lot of miles on old running shoes, but when they are donated to the "Many More Miles" campaign, those shoes will come to life again as they land on the feet of someone who really needs them. For the 15th consecutive year...Sept. 8, 2017
Free Community Talk Set for Evening of September 26
DAPHNE, AL (Sept. 8, 2017) – Dr. John L. Todd and Dr. Michael Chamblee, orthopaedic specialists with Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C. and The Shoulder Center at Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C, will discuss the common causes and treatment options for aching shoulders and hips at a community education seminar, Tuesday, September 26. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at Baldwin Bone & Joint located at 1505 Daphne Avenue, Daphne, AL.
Dr. Todd, Medical Director for The Shoulder Center (TSC) at Baldwin Bone & Joint will present “Oh My Aching Shoulder: Understanding Common Causes and Solutions.” Dr. Todd’s presentation is developed especially for those seeking solutions to issues of the shoulder. The shoulder is one of the most mobile and problematic joints of the body, and common symptoms of shoulder problems include pain, weakness and loss of motion that can interfere with activities of daily living, work and recreation. Todd, an experienced shoulder specialist, will discuss common causes for this and what options are available at TSC including non-operative and operative care. (Photo: Dr. John L. Todd)
Dr. Chamblee’s presentation, “Solutions for Relief of Hip Pain” will provide information on current treatment options for the relief of hip pain. He will discuss the management of hip arthritis, and both non-operative and operative intervention, specifically addressing the anterior total hip replacement. (Photo: Dr. Michael Chamblee)
The community event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 251-621-5377 no later than Monday, September, 25.
About John L. Todd, M.D.
Dr. John Todd, Medical Director of The Shoulder Center at Baldwin Bone &
Joint, P.C., is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon who is fellowship
trained in both shoulder reconstruction and sports medicine. Dr. Todd has
been in practice for more than 20 years, and his primary clinical focus is
the care and treatment of the shoulder joint. He has dedicated his career
to helping patients with both chronic degenerative problems and injuries of
the shoulder as part of Baldwin Bone & Joint – a group of
fellowship-trained orthopaedic specialists. Dr. Todd’s many years of
experience and expertise as a shoulder specialist enable his patients to
achieve a successful treatment outcome. The Shoulder Center has office
locations in Daphne and Orange Beach, Al. For more information, call
251.625.2663 or visit theshouldercenter.net
. Dr. John Todd is also on Facebook and
About Michael Chamblee, M.D.
Dr. Chamblee recently joined Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C., from the Meridian Orthopaedic Clinic in Meridian, Mississippi, where he had practiced since 2011. He is a 2006 graduate of the University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Medicine and competed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at UAB Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.
July 24, 2017
DAPHNE, Ala. (July 24, 2017) – Dr. John Todd, local orthopaedic surgeon in Baldwin County and medical director of The Shoulder Center, will participate in a course designed for orthopaedic surgeons who are preparing for the recertification and/or the sports subspecialty exam or others, including athletic trainers, who would like an in-depth review of orthopaedic sports medicine.
The 2017 AOSSM/AAOS Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Review Course is to be held Friday, August 11, 2017 through Sunday, August 13, 2017 at the Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois.
Learning objectives for participants will include updating their knowledge on how to implement an effective evaluation algorithm for musculoskeletal and medical sports medicine conditions; how to assess and apply surgical and nonsurgical treatment recommendations and rehabilitation protocols for the management of essential musculoskeletal and medical conditions germane to the practice of orthopaedic sports medicine; how to integrate prevention strategies with their health care team(s) to improve musculoskeletal and medical health in patient population; and how to analyze and interpret research.
Dr. John Todd is the medical director of The Shoulder Center, a specialty care service offered at Baldwin Bone and Joint. “My purpose in attending this course with AOSSM/AAOS is to stay on top of the latest advancements in arthroscopic care,” Todd said. “It is my number one focus to provide the best care for my patients. By continuing to advance my knowledge in this field I am equipped to meet that goal.” (Photo: Dr. John Todd).
About Dr. John L. Todd
Dr. John Todd, Medical Director of The Shoulder Center at Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C., is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who is fellowship trained in both shoulder reconstruction and sports medicine. Dr. Todd has been in practice for more than 20 years, and his primary clinical focus is non-operative and operative care of the shoulder. He has dedicated his career to helping patients with both chronic degenerative problems and injuries of the shoulder as part of Baldwin Bone & Joint – a group of fellowship-trained orthopedic specialists. The Shoulder Center has office locations in Daphne and Orange Beach, AL. For more information, call 251.625.2663 or visit www.theshouldercenter.net.
About The American Orthopaedic Society For Sports (AOSSM)
The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine is a world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication, and fellowship, working closely with many other sports medicine specialists, including athletic trainers, physical therapists, family physicians, and others to improve the identification, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries.
Formed primarily as a forum for education and research, the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine has increased its membership from its modest start of less than 100 to more than 3,000 today.
AOSSM members are orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals who demonstrate scientific leadership, involvement and dedication in the daily practice of sports medicine.
Members must demonstrate continuing active research and/or educational activities in the field of sports medicine, including service as a team physician at any level of competition, health education of athletes, service to local, regional, national and international competitions, and/or the presentation of scientific research papers.
The unifying interest of the membership is their concern with the effects of exercise and the monitoring of its impact on active individuals of all ages, abilities and levels of fitness. While many members treat high profile athletes who play on professional teams, many devote their practices to helping their community and treating players on the local high school or junior college team.
About The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
Founded in 1933, the Academy is the preeminent provider of musculoskeletal education to orthopaedic surgeons and others in the world. Its continuing medical education activities include a world-renowned Annual Meeting, multiple CME courses held around the country and at the Orthopaedic Learning Center, and various medical and scientific publications and electronic media materials.
April 4, 2017
Daphne, AL (April 4, 2017) – *Hundreds of people – primarily students and teachers – in Baldwin and Mobile Counties recently donated gently used shoes to Baldwin Bone & Joint’s *14th Annual Many More Miles Campaign, resulting in 1,910 pairs of shoes finding new life.
Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C., the Port City Pacers, McCoy Outdoor Co., Dr. Glenn Glass, and the University of South Alabama Student Recreation Center partnered to collect shoes for the homeless outreach programs of Wings of Life and Discovery Ministries. The campaign, now in its 14th year, got off to a running start in January and concluded at the Azalea Trail Run held on March 25th.
Students in Mobile and Baldwin Counties were also given the opportunity to collect shoes and earn money for their schools’ PE programs. Students and teachers collectively provided 72% of total shoes collected! Dixon Elementary won first place, collecting 743 pairs of shoes and received a $300 cash prize. Fairhope Intermediate took second place ($200), and Spanish Fort Elementary received third prize ($100).
Dr. John Todd and Seneca Walden, C.R.N.P., proudly display the mountain of shoes collected during the 2017 Many More Miles Campaign. The 1,910 pairs of shoes were donated to the outreach programs of Wings of Life and Discovery Ministries.
Chuck Carlisle, Practice Administrator for Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C. presents Glenda Warren, Principal of Dixon Elementary School and FayeHussong, P.E. Coach with a $300 check to benefit the school’s PE program. Students at the school collected 743 pairs of shoes to win first place in Baldwin Bone & Joint’s fourteenth annual Many More Miles campaign. The shoes collected will benefit the homeless ministries of Wings of Life and Discovery Ministries.
The Azalea Trail Run will celebrate its 40th anniversary on March 25, and shoes are being collected at the event by Baldwin Bone & Joint for the Many More Miles campaign, which is in its 14th consecutive year.
To better serve patients and their family members, The Shoulder Center at Baldwin Bone and Joint is now offering expanded services with an additional Friday of coverage at the Orange Beach office and specialized clinic hours with medical team member, Seneca Walden, CRNP now available for appointments on Fridays in Daphne.
March 16, 2017
Dr. John Todd, local orthopaedic surgeon in Baldwin County and medical director of The Shoulder Center, will be attending the 2017 Exactech Masters Course in Shoulder Arthroplasty in New York City from May 4 to 5.
March 16, 2017
To better serve patients and their family members, The Shoulder Center at Baldwin Bone and Joint is now offering expanded services with an additional Friday of coverage at the Orange Beach office and specialized clinic hours with medical team member, Seneca Walden, CRNP now available for appointments on Fridays in Daphne.
January 31, 2017
You may have put a lot of miles on your old running shoes, but when you donate them to the “Many More Miles” campaign, your shoes will land on the feet of someone who really needs them
MEDIA COVERAGE REPORT – December 1, 2016
Dec. 14, 2016
DAPHNE, Ala. (Dec. 14, 2016) – Dr. John L. Todd, Medical Director for The Shoulder Center (TSC) and orthopedic surgeon, will discuss the common causes and solutions for aching shoulders at two separate community education seminars in January.
Nov. 17, 2016
DAPHNE, Ala. (Nov. 17, 2016) – The Shoulder Center (TSC) is pleased to announce the addition of Seneca Walden, Nurse Practitioner, to the shoulder care team. The Shoulder Center, led by medical director and shoulder specialist, Dr. John Todd, offers patient care in both their Daphne and Orange Beach, AL locations.
August 2, 2016
Doctors John L. Todd and Andrew Harcourt, Orthopaedic Specialists with Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C., along with Rachael Hartman, DPT, Director of PT Services, will provide a continuing education program especially designed for nurses, case managers and physical therapists on Thursday, August 25th.
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